Thursday, July 17, 2008

Artists Multiples

Fun little affordable and collectible works of art.

Adam David Brown - Transparency

Joan Bankemper - A Pleasure Multiple

Christine Baigent - The Memory of Your Body Lingers: pillow case set

Tinsel Edwards - 'Tinsel's DIY Hirst kit'(I Could've Done That)

Paul Scott - Porcelain printed fragments

I use print a lot in my work. I like the unique qualities I can achieve with the technology, and the associations printed ceramics carry. Printed ceramics traditionally carry images of fantasy, pastoral landscapes; or they commemorate events or places. I like to commemorate events or places too...

steve Messem - Blueskythinking
Memories are what you make them. The past is where the sun is always shining. It’s an optimists view of the past. Now you can create your own happy memories for the future with these stick-on blue skies. All the images were shot in England (in the past).

Also, for artists multiples take a look at the Hayvend website to see if there is an installation near you.

Hayvend is an art installation created by John Hayward. It vends specially produced, pocket sized, artworks, in the form of drawings, multiples, prints and limited editions. All the artworks are mixed together in each Hayvend Installation and dispensed randomly, a unique way of buying art. All the artworks are affordable, as well as desirable and collectable, making the Hayvend experience last long after the coins drop and the draw opens. John believes that art can be ubiquitous, so that everyone can enjoy.


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

These are great!! The hayvend thing reminds my of the Art-O-Mat. Basically a vending machine for art. Why didn't we think of this?

Laura said...

I love the small printed ceramics, it brings back memories of digging for treasure when I was young. New banner is great!