Lovely paper-ish things by MXM Jewelry

Of course I have to include the paper book pendants by The Black Spot Books

Stunning paper flowers by Blush Envy

Pretty paper earrings and necklace by Vector Cloud.

Through his explorations of language Sam Winston creates sculpture, drawings and books that question our understanding of words, both as a carriers of messages and as information itself.Sam Winston. My new favourite!
I just found this ingenious book scultpure by Spanish artist Alicia Martín, purely by chance. Right up my alley!
Just testing. I've got a new phone, so I can start blogging during my hefty commute. Might need a bit of practice though!
In the mean time, meet my cat, olga.
Just wanted to share a few of these hand cut city maps and pen and ink drawings from Studio K, Karen's Etsy shop. Of course, I love the London one the most. So beautiful...